Sunday, May 17, 2009

I've got Seoul!

Yeah? Seoul! The best place ever. I'm so glad to be back from China. Yesterday our group went to eh DMZ (Demilitarized Zone). It's the 38th parallel, which was the border created during the Korean war which separated the two opposing sides. When the war "ended," they just decided to put away with the flighting, but here in the DMZ, it is still like they are at war. It's a very intense place to be.

It really surprised me, as well as the other people in our group, that South Korea has turned the DMZ into a tourist attraction. There's about 3 or 4 tours a day that go through the area. When you are there, you are not allowed to make any gestures with your hands. You cannot point, or even wave. It is said that the North Koreans will Photoshop your hand to make it look like you are flipping them off. We were also told we are not allowed to laugh, or be loud.

So, we stepping into North Korea for about 3 minutes. It was so intense! Our whole group was on edge most of the time. It felt like we could be shot at randomly at any moment, and the North Koreans were watching us at all times.

I want to show a bunch of pictures from this intense outing, but I cannot. When I was there, they told me I couldn't use my camera because it would zoom too far. Sadly I had to leave me camera on the bus. When I get some pictures from the other people in my group I will put them up.


Later that night, the girls and I went out on the town with some local boys we met. They manage a little honey-biscuit stand just down the road and asked us if we wanted to hang out. All three girls, and the three Korean guys, went out of a bite to eat. So much fun. Two of the girls went home, as did their dates. The two girls had to get up early. Somehow, me and one Korean guy still hung out. We went to a little district full of Karaoke bars and pubs. It seemed to be the happening spot. Drunk people crowded the streets, most of them stumbling and struggling to make their way to their destinations.

The Korean guy and I found a cute little bar on the busiest street. We sat near the front, where there was a little balcony. It was quaint and romantic. We talked for a couple hours about life and what we've done. Sometimes our attention would be brought to the street when odd people would walk by, or come up and wink at me. At one point, we looked out and we saw a man throw a huge advertisement sign at another man, thus creating a fight.